• The admission is complete on the payment of the first instalment of tuition fee with other dues.
  • The fee shall be paid for the due period in due instalment within the due date as shown in the calendar.
  • Fee deposited, will not be adjusted or refunded in any circumstances.
  • Copy of the challan of payment of fee should be kept by the student for further reference.
  • Absence with/without leave from the college shall not be an excuse for non-payment of fee on the prescribed date.
  • Astudent joining the college after the commencement of the academic year will have to pay full fee for the year.

The students shall deposit first instalment of fee in cash at the time of admission in the college office. Rest of the instalments shall be deposited in Union Bank of India, (P.A.C. Extn. A/c No. 7615) using the triplicate challan form of the college. Submitted student's copy of challan in the college office and get the college receipt. The fees will be paid according to the following schedule.
1st Instalment At the time of admission
2nd Instalment On or before September 15
3nd Instalment On or before November 15
4thInstalment On or before January 15
The defaulters have to pay fine as follows:
th th From 16 to 30 of the prescribed month, fine of Rs. 50/- After the end of the prescribed month fine will be increased to @ Rs. 50/- each in the following month.

Note: Students have to clear all their dues by the end of each session/semester before the university examinations.
B. Sc., B. Com. & M. Sc. students before annual examination.
B.B.A.& B.C.A. students before the semester examination.
The defaulters will not be allowed to write the examination.
Caution Money: The final year students shall claim their caution money within six months of the declaration of their results. The college will not entertain any claim beyond the above said time period.



Naipalapur, Sitapur - 261001,

Tel: 0586-2220133 / +91 7991744152

Fax: 40129000

Email: principal@sacredheartsitapur.ac.in

Web: http://sacredheartsitapur.ac.in/


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